Why is Prostate Important? What Does It Do?

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The prostate is an important organ related to the reproductive system of men. It produces seminal fluid to increase the movement and vitality of sperm. This fluid helps sperm to be transported and move better. The seminal fluid contains many nutrients and chemicals needed to transport and protect the sperm.

The prostate protects the urethra. This manages the removal of semen and urine from the body. In addition, it prevents urine from flowing back when ejaculating semen and urinating. It has an important place for sexual activity. Especially during ejaculation, it prevents seminal fluid from escaping into the urine. It can cause various health problems with aging. Conditions such as infections, growth and cancer can jeopardise your health.

What is Prostate?

In men, the prostate gland is connected to the reproductive system. This gland is approximately the size and shape of a walnut. It is located under the bladder around the urethra. Its main job is to help produce seminal fluid. Seminal fluid, one of the main components of semen, helps to transport, protect and move sperm.

Prostate health is very important for men. Many factors such as growth known as benign hyperplasia, infections, sexual functions, urinary control and general quality of life depend on the health of the prostate.

What is The Function of the Prostate Gland?

The prostate gland has many important functions for the male body. Seminal fluid is produced by this gland. Seminal fluid is one of the main components of semen. It contains chemicals, enzymes and nutrients that are necessary for the transport, protection and movement of sperm. Semen combines with seminal fluid during ejaculation.

The seminal fluid produced by the prostate allows the sperm to move and maintain their vitality. The sperm float in this fluid and can move easily through the female reproductive system. In this way, sperm can reach the female reproductive organs through the seminal fluid and thus contribute to fertilisation.

Another task of the prostate is to wrap around the urethra. This prevents semen from escaping back into the urinary tract, while controlling the amount of urine that is passed out of the body. It also helps to control the flow of urine during urination.

Prostat Neden Önemlidir

Relation of the Prostate to the Urinary Tract

The prostate muscle is also known as the sphincter, a layer of muscle that surrounds the urethra and is part of it. This muscle controls the urine that is thrown out of the body. It also prevents urine from escaping unintentionally by closing the urethra tightly during urination. This muscle also controls the expulsion of semen.

The glands and tissue surrounding the urethra serve as a control mechanism that surrounds the urethra during the expulsion of urine from the bladder. It controls the process of urination and starts and stops the flow of urine. In addition, it prevents urine from travelling in the wrong directions or backwards.

An enlarged prostate or other health problems can affect the urinary tract. The condition where it can compress the urinary tract and restrict the flow of urine is known as BPH. This can make it difficult to urinate and can cause problems such as urinary retention, i.e. the inability to empty the urine completely.

Relationship of Prostate with Reproductive System

The male reproductive system maintains its functions depending on the prostate gland. The production of a fluid known as seminal fluid is the main task of the reproductive system. This seminal fluid, one of the main components of semen, contains nutrients, enzymes and chemicals that help to transport, protect and mobilise sperm.

This gland also combines with the semen during ejaculation and the semen is expelled out of the body. Sperm therefore reach the female reproductive organs through the seminal fluid produced by this gland and fertilisation takes place. Therefore, it can be stated that it is an important organ that supports the reproductive abilities of men and is closely related to the reproductive system.

Importance and Problems of Maintaining Prostate Health

Prostate health is very important for men because these problems can affect quality of life. Diseases such as cancer, enlargement and infections of the prostate, also known as BPH, can cause urinary control problems, sexual dysfunction and other health problems.

Regular medical check-ups and adopting a healthy lifestyle are necessary to maintain the health of the prostate and to diagnose problems early. For this, it is important to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid smoking and alcohol. In addition, following the symptoms that occur and consulting a doctor can increase the likelihood of early intervention and treatment.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah ArmağanUrology Specialist

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