What Are The Disadvantages Of The Rezum Procedure?

[Toplam: 1 Ortalama: 5]

With the changes in the field of health with the developing technology, endoscopic interventions in the surgical field have started to be preferred more than open surgeries. The resection procedure, which is one of the endoscopic interventions in the group of closed surgeries, is preferred for anomalies in the prostate gland.

Although the treatment has many advantages, different problems may be encountered after the procedure. Burning during urination, blood in urine are some of the side effects. Patients may frequently face these symptoms.

Patients usually apply to the hospital with the complaint of inability to urinate as a result of enlargement of the prostate gland. The van deference and urethra canals in the prostate gland are affected by the growth. With the enlargement of the prostate gland, semen escapes into the bladder, resulting in urinary excretion. Problems that reduce the risk of having a child naturally can be solved with resum treatment.

Pain and Discomfort After Rezum Procedure

Although resumtreatment is a closed procedure, some side effects, pain and discomfort may occur after the procedure. The treatment takes place in the operating theatre with local anaesthesia of the penis area. The prostate gland is accessed through the penis with the help of a special thin and long needle.

Since anaesthesia is used during the treatment, no pain is felt. After the procedure, the use of a catheter is preferred. The catheter may cause pain and discomfort after the procedure. The catheter can be removed 1 to 3 days after the treatment and normal life routine can be resumed.

Rezum İşleminin Dezavantajları Nelerdir

Temporary Urinary Problems After the Procedure

Resum treatment, which is an endoscopic procedure, takes place in the operating theatre. Interventions during the procedure should be performed in accordance with sterilisation rules. Although the side effects of the intervention are less than open surgery, attention should be paid to risk factors such as infection and trauma.

After the treatment, a catheter is inserted. During the procedure, the intervention to the urethra and prostate gland prevents the area from being used temporarily. In this process, the use of the catheter helps to meet the toilet needs. The sphincter muscle should resume its function within a few days. If no urine output is observed after this period, you can contact your doctor and get information about the necessary procedures.

Effects Of The Rezum Procedure on Sexual Function

Resuming is a procedure used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This procedure is applied to shrink the prostate tissue with water vapour. The effect on sexual functions may vary from individual to individual. In some patients, sexual function may improve because the procedure can reduce the pressure in the urethra, which is compressed by the prostate.

In some cases, ejaculation disorders or temporary changes in erectile function may occur. These effects are usually temporary and may not have a significant effect on long-term sexual health. You can contact your doctor for detailed information about sexual functions after the procedure.

Rezum Treatment Procedure Duration and Chance of Recurrence

People with benign tumours, enlarged prostate gland and difficulty urinating can apply for resum treatment. The treatment, which is a closed surgical application, is completed by the introduction of special optical devices into the penis. The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the area to be treated. It takes an average of 20-25 minutes. The patient can return to his daily life on the day of the operation.

At the end of six months following the procedure, it is observed that the prostate shrinks by 30%. Repetition of the procedure depends on the state of recovery in the prostate gland. In this context, attention should be paid to the changes occurring in the body.

Rare Complications After Rezum Procedure

Since the treatment is performed by endoscopy, side effects are very few. It is more reliable than open surgical interventions in terms of affecting sexual functioning. The possibility of side effects seen in resum treatment is very low.

Side effects seen in the treatment may include burning during urination, increased sensation of urination and bleeding in the urine. With the expertise of the physician and the correct evaluation of the patient’s condition, side effects can be minimised.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah ArmağanUrology Specialist

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